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H.Care App and Responsive Website




Website and app




H.Care is a service that helps Doctors to manage their appointment, patient data in one place and can chat with patients to get feedback on their health and can message them about their next appointment.


Doctors are facing problems to manage their appointments and they need a platform where can they save patient data like current diseases, Medication, History, Allergies, and reports like information.

The Goal

Design an app that will manage their appointments and also can manage their patient data.


Conducting interviews, Paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on designs and responsive design.

Design Process

I Used the Design Thinking approach for solving this problem. To practice design thinking we followed the below process.


Empathize Phase

image4 1.png

User research summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users i am designing for and to know what they need. A primary group identified by the research is Doctors who run a small clinic and wants to manage their appointment and patient data.

Pain Points


I need to handle my patient data

Digital illiteracy

I need to talk to my patient regularly and get updated for their health.


I need to handle all my patient appointment at one place.

Define Phase

define 1.png


As a Doctor, Doctor Nirav want to handle their patient data, appointments and can talk with the patients, so that I can manage my clinic and get an update about my patient health.


Ideate Phase

ideate 1.png

Paper Wireframe

I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified in the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on appointment and patient data details to manage and chat with patients.

wirframes (1).png

Next, I created paper wireframes for each screen in my app while keeping the user's pain points about ordering online, different hotels, and different food in mind.


Transitioning from paper to digital wireframes allowed me to easily understand how the redesign could address user pain points and improve the overall user experience.


A key part of my strategy was prioritizing the placement of useful buttons and visual elements on the home page.

Digital Wireframe

Digital Wireframes.png

Design Phase

design 1.png


Based on the insights from the usability study, i made changes to improve the app’s home page and other pages.​

Based on usability insights, I made design changes such as adding a clear section on the home screen for browsing patients and today's appointments, as well as indicating how many appointments are left.

Home page new.png

Additional design changes included adding an option to change the vitals design. and add a burger menu to see further information about a patient.

Patient page.png
All mockups new.png

Responsive design

The designs for screen size variation included Tablet, laptop, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size.

tab, lap, imac.png

What I Learned

I learned that even though the problem I was trying to solve was significant, going through each step of the design process diligently and aligning with specific user needs helped me come up with solutions that were both feasible and useful.

Thank you for reviewing my work on the responsive website!

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